Copper, reflecting the lines of the estuary rushes. Seeking a sense of space. Hoping to show the beauty in the repetition, in the oioi belonging.
New Zealand has lost 90% of its wetlands. The estuary, Kōreti is akin to kidneys for the land. The role it has in the local ecosystem is vital. Over the years sedimentation has heavily impacted the estuary. Established macro algae deprives the environment of oxygen and doesn’t support life. Invertebrates like crabs make holes that let the oxygen in, promoting life. It has a complex relationship relating to the river and the sea, neither freshwater nor saltwater. An in-between space not to be overlooked.
The Wahōpai River outlet into the Kōreti Estuary on the edge of Invercargill - for me, the rushes are an iconic element of landing at Invercargill airport.