This year there are two Willian Hodges fellows, myself and Daegan Wells. It has been such a pleasure to get to know Daegan a little and I’ve enjoyed talking to him about the research discoveries we have both made whilst looking into the Waihōpai Invercargill city area. As part of the fellowship we are both doing various public engagement events. On the 25th of February, Esk Street had an event called Esk-splore which Daegan and I both took part in. I had my portable relief printing press made by Woodzilla and some pre-cut blocks for people to print, a kōwhai in flower (from one of the new CBD native plantings) and one of the WEA building in Esk Street, plus a little botanical study. It was a great opportunity to meet new and familiar faces and hopefully spread a little of the joy of printmaking. Thanks to everyone who came along!